Overview of Substantial Equivalency Review (SER) Service
Update as of August 8, 2024
The annual Local School Authority (LSA) Substantial Equivalency Reporting Survey is due by September 1, 2024. Pursuant to the Part 130 Regulations of the Commissioner of Education, Local School Authorities/Districts (LSAs) must report via the .(1) religious and independent schools that serve compulsory age children (from age 6 to 16 in most jurisdictions, age 17 in others) within their geographical boundaries and (2) the date of the last substantial equivalency determination made for each religious and independent school. The report must include all religious and independent schools within the LSA geographic boundaries, even religious and independent schools without basic educational data system (BEDS) codes. The submission deadline is September 1, 2024, and each September thereafter.
CoSer: 470.591
Nassau 快播视频 Substantial Equivalency Review (SER) will provide support to participating districts in evaluating nonpublic schools within their geographical boundaries. Education Law §§3204, 3205, and 3210 require the Local School Authority (LSA) to ensure that students of compulsory school age 6 -16 (or 17 in some localities) who reside within the boundaries of their school district are receiving an education. Local public-school officials must ensure that the education received by students is substantially equivalent to that received in district public schools. Nassau 快播视频, at the request of districts, will provide assistance in reviewing non-public schools.
Based on the regulations, Nassau 快播视频 will make a recommendation to determine if the non-public schools are substantially equivalent regarding instructional practices. The results of the review will be reported to the Local Education Agency (LEA). In collaboration with the LEA, Nassau 快播视频 will, if necessary, review the non-public and attempt to remediate instructional practices so the school can move toward substantial equivalency.
The LSAs are responsible for substantial equivalency determinations except in the case of Registered High Schools, State-Approved Private Special Education Schools, State-Operated or State-Supported Schools, Accredited Schools, International Baccalaureate Program Schools, Federally Approved Schools, and schools that offer standardized summative assessments; these schools are already subject to Department review.
While conducting such reviews, the LSA must use the criteria outlined in the . For schools that meet the criteria for a Commissioner’s final determination, the LSA conducts the review using the appropriate criteria and makes a recommendation to the Commissioner for his/her final determination. If there are concerns about the substantial equivalency of the instruction, the regulation recommends, among other things, that the LSA and nonpublic school work collaboratively to develop a clear plan and timeline, including benchmarks and targets, for attainting substantial equivalency in an amount of time that is reasonable given the concerns identified. After careful review and consideration of the information provided, Nassau 快播视频 will inform the LSA in writing of the recommended determination. The LSA should send written notification to the administration of the nonpublic school and provide a letter for the nonpublic school to distribute to parents. The LSA must notify Office of Religious and Independent School Support (ORISS) of the positive determination.
Tammy Mazza
Program Specialist
(516) 608-6633
tmazza@nasboces.orgDr. Meador Pratt, Ed.D.
Executive Manager
(516) 832-2744